Thursday, March 19, 2009

School is NOT cool

Today we had a great converstation about school and how it not only educates us on subjects such as math, science and english, but how we also learn many latent lessons that we may not even be aware of. I believe that today's school systems are way too concerned about grades. I can confidently say that our school is 100% focused on grades. It isn't about what you learn along the way, but rather about the success of your outcome. I do not think that is a good lesson to be teaching students. Does that mean if I have a job where I make a lot of money but im unhappy im living a good life? I would say no. I think if schools operated in more unconventional ways students would walk away with a more positive experience. The journey is just as, if not more, important than the destination. We've learned from such a young age that we need to conform. If you go into a 1st grade classroom and ask a student to draw you a picutre, chances are they will ask you what to draw. This shows conformity at its finest. Rather than having the freedom to draw whatever they'd like, the student feels like they need to be told what to draw. I hope that in the future schools can become more flexible and let students flourish in a way that is benifical for them.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The World Around Us

This past week in class we have been talking about our the environment shapes the person we become. There has always been an ongoing battle between nature vs nuture and I believe each plans a significant role in who we are. We are born with our genes, and these give us certain things like our eye color, our height and the color of our hair. Those are things we simply cannot control. The way we act, the things we value, and the music we like are all things that are a product of our society. Everything around us shapes who we become. This is known as socialization. I definitely would not be who I am told if it wasn't for my friends and family. Last week we watched the movie Tuesdays with Morrie. I really enjoyed the movie and there was one quote that Morrie said that I really agree with, "There is nothing innately shameful about being dependent. When we were infants we needed others to live, when we are dying we need others to live, but here's the secret-in between we need others even more." I think that quote is so true. Sometimes people are ashamed of being dependent on others, but in reality it is not a bad thing. If it wasn't for all the wonderful people in my life, I don't think I would be able to make it through each day.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sex Drugs and Violence

Is that all America is really about? In the Bemused in America article it was very interesting to see a foreigner's prospective on many daily things that Americans do like go to the grocery store, go on a jog or even just watch tv. Many Americans don't realize it but our lives are always moving. We are always looking for the most efficient and practical way to get things done. That may not seem like bad thing, but this causes us to miss the little things in life. We are so worried about being active sometimes it's as if we are totally absent from our own lives. This can also been seen in the movie Tuesday With Morrie. Mitch, the main character, has lost touch with one of his old professors because his life is too preoccupied with his job, traveling, and his girlfriend. Once he takes a step back and his examines his life, he sees everything he has been missing out on. I think it is important for everyone to take some time for themselves, to reflect on their lives. With all of America's crazy distractions, it's easy to get off track sometimes. But what's important is knowning when to slow down. Even though we are only about 7 weeks into our curriculum, sociology has already changed the way I look at my life. I've learned to take in my surrondings more and be more aware of what's happening around me. I'm excited to continue my studies in soc :)