Thursday, April 16, 2009

Locked Up

This week in class we focused on the jail systems in America. The realities of these jails is astonishing. The crime system in the U.S. is a never ending cycle. Once you go to jail for the first time, the likelyhood of you returning skyrockets. I wish that there were more programs available like the half-way house. I think that is a good way for prisoners to readjust to real life. In the episode of 30 days we watched, Morgan Spurlock went to a very innovative jail. The jail provided classes and support for men and women who were trying to overcome drug addictions. I think that is a very useful idea. Spending years and years in prison will not stop someone from being an addict. Counseling and support is what these people need in order to turn their lives around. If more jails moved toward this type of system, i think the return rate to jail would decrease dramatically.

1 comment:

  1. i agree that the halfway house is a great thing for them to get used to the real world, only the half house is in a bad neighborhood that has a high crime rate. something like the half house should exist, only with more help and less exposer to their old ways
